Relation of Cio Roles, it and Business Alignment, and Organizational Performance


Saeed Ayat - Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Payame Noor University, IRAN. Sodeif Farajkhah - Department of Information and Communication Technology, Technical and Vocational University, IRAN.


The ability to achieve business goals through IT is an important factor for the performance of organizations. One factor which affects the return of investment (ROI) in IT is strategic alignment of business and IT. Purpose of this study is to identify factors that affect the alignment of IT and business in the Iranian organizations. In this study the role and responsibilities of chief information officers (CIO) and their performance relationships with IT and business alignment and improvement of organizational performance are evaluated in the Iranian organizations. 80 IT professionals and managers from different Iranian organizations, who are identified by the State Scientific Research and Policy Center, responded to questions of this research through a website. Obtained results indicated that direct report to the chief executive by CIO and CIO membership in the executive committee improves IT services of the business. Findings show that the CIO has a key role in the alignment of business and IT. Limitations and problems of IT are properly understood by the CIO, therefore they can help to prepare appropriate IT and business strategies and consequently improve the performance of organizations.

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ISRP Style

Saeed Ayat, Sodeif Farajkhah, Relation of Cio Roles, it and Business Alignment, and Organizational Performance, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 9 (2014), no. 2, 123-132

AMA Style

Ayat Saeed, Farajkhah Sodeif, Relation of Cio Roles, it and Business Alignment, and Organizational Performance. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 9(2):123-132

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ayat, Saeed, Farajkhah, Sodeif. "Relation of Cio Roles, it and Business Alignment, and Organizational Performance." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 9, no. 2 (2014): 123-132


