The Biennial Malmquist Index in the of Negative Data


Narjes Mohammadi - Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad university, Mazandaran, Iran. Alireza Yousefpour - Department of IT & Computer, Islamic Azad University of Qaemshahr branch, Iran.


We purpose the range directional model (RDM), a particular case of the directional distance function, is used for computing efficiency in the presence of negative data. We use RDM efficiency measures to arrive at a Malmquist-type index which can reflect productivity change. We illustrate how the biennial Malmquist index can be used, not only for comparing the performance of a unit in two time periods, but also for comparing the performance of two different units at the same or different time periods. The proposed approach is then applied to a sample of bank branches where negative data were involved. In this paper, we introduce a biennial Malmquist index of productivity change that can be used with negative data.

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ISRP Style

Narjes Mohammadi, Alireza Yousefpour, The Biennial Malmquist Index in the of Negative Data, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 12 (2014), no. 1, 1 - 11

AMA Style

Mohammadi Narjes, Yousefpour Alireza, The Biennial Malmquist Index in the of Negative Data. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 12(1):1 - 11

Chicago/Turabian Style

Mohammadi, Narjes, Yousefpour, Alireza. "The Biennial Malmquist Index in the of Negative Data." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 12, no. 1 (2014): 1 - 11


