A bi-inertial Mann projective forward-backward splitting algorithm for variational inclusion problems with application to lung cancer screening
Volume 38, Issue 2, pp 201--213
Publication Date: December 13, 2024
Submission Date: July 27, 2024
Revision Date: September 08, 2024
Accteptance Date: October 23, 2024
P. Peeyada
- School of Science, University of Phayao, Phayao 56000, Phayao 56000, Thailand.
W. Cholamjiak
- School of Science, University of Phayao, Phayao 56000, Thailand.
K. Shiangjen
- School of Information and Communication Technology, University of Phayao, Phayao 56000, Thailand.
This paper proposes a bi-inertial Mann projective forward-backward splitting algorithm to solve the variational inclusion problem in real Hilbert spaces. We establish a weak convergence result under mild conditions commonly used in convergence analysis. Additionally, we present a series of numerical experiments to demonstrate the efficiency of our algorithm compared to existing methods. Finally, we applied our algorithm to classify data using the lung cancer dataset, achieving the highest testing accuracy of 90.32\%, surpassing other documented algorithms. Our results indicate that the proposed algorithm offers a practical solution for detecting lung cancer.
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ISRP Style
P. Peeyada, W. Cholamjiak, K. Shiangjen, A bi-inertial Mann projective forward-backward splitting algorithm for variational inclusion problems with application to lung cancer screening, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 38 (2025), no. 2, 201--213
AMA Style
Peeyada P., Cholamjiak W., Shiangjen K., A bi-inertial Mann projective forward-backward splitting algorithm for variational inclusion problems with application to lung cancer screening. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2025); 38(2):201--213
Chicago/Turabian Style
Peeyada, P., Cholamjiak, W., Shiangjen, K.. "A bi-inertial Mann projective forward-backward splitting algorithm for variational inclusion problems with application to lung cancer screening." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 38, no. 2 (2025): 201--213
- Forward-backward splitting algorithm
- variational inclusion problem
- extreme learning machine
- data classification
- lung cancer dataset
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