Quantified neutrosophic set (\(\mathrm{Q^{t}NS}\))-based MCDM algorithms for sustainable material selection for anti-microbial bio-fabricated textile manufacturing

Volume 38, Issue 2, pp 214--235 https://dx.doi.org/10.22436/jmcs.038.02.05
Publication Date: December 13, 2024 Submission Date: January 22, 2024 Revision Date: May 04, 2024 Accteptance Date: October 28, 2024


M. Saeed - Department of Mathematics, University of Management and Technology, C-II, Johar Town, Lahore, 54700, Pakistan. N. A. Khalid - Department of Mathematics, University of Management and Technology, C-II, Johar Town, Lahore, 54700, Pakistan. F. Smarandache - Department of Mathematics, University of New Mexico, USA.


This paper proposes a modified structure for the neutrosophic set called the Quantified Neutrosophic Set (\(\mathrm{Q^{t}NS}\)) with a parameterized setting. Unlike conventional approaches, the \(\mathrm{Q^{t}NS}\) provides a quantified environment for the indeterminacy by its dependence on truthness and falsity components. This innovative approach quantifies the uncertainty and improves the assessment process via expert-guided opinions, customising it according to the specific situations in real-world decision-making scenarios. Some \(\mathrm{Q^{t}NS}\) operations along with useful characteristics are addressed. Furthermore, two algorithms, \(\mathrm{Q^{t}NS}\)UI and \(\mathrm{Q^{t}NS}\)AO, are developed for the proposed operations of union, intersection, AND, and OR based on \(\mathrm{Q^{t}NS}\). In the world of sustainable materials, biofabricated textiles are making progress. The MCDM methods based on \(\mathrm{Q^{t}NS}\) are developed for material preferences in the industry of biofabricated textiles, specifically with anti-microbial properties. The study's main purpose is to develop a novel technique to quantify and reduce the predicted uncertainties in the material preference problem for antimicrobial biofabricated textile manufacturing. For eco-conscious decision-making, our work would provide an optimised environment at the industrial level, especially for ecologically conscious textile industries, for enhanced and sustainable selection with greater accuracy.

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ISRP Style

M. Saeed, N. A. Khalid, F. Smarandache, Quantified neutrosophic set (\(\mathrm{Q^{t}NS}\))-based MCDM algorithms for sustainable material selection for anti-microbial bio-fabricated textile manufacturing, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 38 (2025), no. 2, 214--235

AMA Style

Saeed M., Khalid N. A., Smarandache F., Quantified neutrosophic set (\(\mathrm{Q^{t}NS}\))-based MCDM algorithms for sustainable material selection for anti-microbial bio-fabricated textile manufacturing. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2025); 38(2):214--235

Chicago/Turabian Style

Saeed, M., Khalid, N. A., Smarandache, F.. "Quantified neutrosophic set (\(\mathrm{Q^{t}NS}\))-based MCDM algorithms for sustainable material selection for anti-microbial bio-fabricated textile manufacturing." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 38, no. 2 (2025): 214--235


