Mohammad Hasan Faroughi
- Faculty of Mathematical Science, University of Tabriz, Iran.
Reza Ahmadi
- Faculty of Mathematical Science, University of Tabriz, Iran.
Zahra Afsar
- Faculty of Mathematical Science, University of Tabriz, Iran.
In [13] frames of subspaces extended to continuous version namely
\(c\)-frame of subspaces. In this article we consider to the relations between \(c\)-
frames of subspaces and local \(c\)-frames. Also in this article we give some important relation about duality and parseval \(c\)-frames of subspaces.
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ISRP Style
Mohammad Hasan Faroughi, Reza Ahmadi, Zahra Afsar, SOME PROPERTIES OF \(C\)-FRAMES OF SUBSPACES, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 1 (2008), no. 3, 155-168
AMA Style
Faroughi Mohammad Hasan, Ahmadi Reza, Afsar Zahra, SOME PROPERTIES OF \(C\)-FRAMES OF SUBSPACES. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2008); 1(3):155-168
Chicago/Turabian Style
Faroughi, Mohammad Hasan, Ahmadi, Reza, Afsar, Zahra. "SOME PROPERTIES OF \(C\)-FRAMES OF SUBSPACES." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 1, no. 3 (2008): 155-168
- Operator
- Hilbert space
- Bessel sequences
- Frame
- frames of subspaces
- c-frames of subspaces
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