On a subclass of analytic functions defined by Bell distribution series
A. Lagad
- Department of Mathematics, N.E.S. Science College, Nanded-431 605, Maharashtra, India.
R. N. Ingle
- Department of Mathematics, Bahirji Smarak Mahavidyalay, Bashmathnagar-431 512, Hingoli Dist., Maharashtra, India.
P. T. Reddy
- Department of Mathematics, DRK Institute of Science and Technology, Bowrampet, Hyderabad-500 043, Telangana, India.
The Bell distribution is a major and helpful model that may be applied to a wide variety of real-world situations and problems. Bell distributions play a significant role in geometric function theory, particularly in the study of univalent functions and their properties. The importance of Bell distributions in geometric function theory lies in their ability to provide a combinatorial framework for analyzing the properties and behaviors of univalent functions. By leveraging these distributions, mathematicians can gain deeper insights into the geometric and analytic aspects of complex functions, enhancing both theoretical understanding and practical applications.
The main purpose of this paper is to introduce a new subclass of analytic functions involving Bell distribution series and obtain coefficient inequalities, distortion theorem, convex linear combination, convolution and neighborhood result for this class.
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ISRP Style
A. Lagad, R. N. Ingle, P. T. Reddy, On a subclass of analytic functions defined by Bell distribution series, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 18 (2025), no. 1, 33--42
AMA Style
Lagad A., Ingle R. N., Reddy P. T., On a subclass of analytic functions defined by Bell distribution series. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2025); 18(1):33--42
Chicago/Turabian Style
Lagad, A., Ingle, R. N., Reddy, P. T.. "On a subclass of analytic functions defined by Bell distribution series." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 18, no. 1 (2025): 33--42
- Analytic
- starlike
- convexity
- coefficient estimate
- neighborhood
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