Qualitative analysis of Caputo fractional delayed difference system: a novel delayed discrete fractional sine and cosine-type function
N. I. Mahmudov
- Department of Mathematics, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta 99628 T. R. Northern Cyprus, Mersin 10, Turkey.
- Research Center of Econophysics, Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), Istiqlaliyyat Str. 6, Baku 1001, Azerbaijan.
M. Aydin
- Department of Medical Services and Techniques, Muradiye Vocational School, Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Van, Turkey.
In this paper, we provide an explicit solution for the homogeneous fractional
delay oscillation difference equation with an order \(2{\delta}\) ranging from 1 to
2. This solution is achieved through the construction of discrete sine and
cosine-type delayed matrix functions. Subsequently, we employ the discrete
Laplace transform technique, a powerful method for handling nonhomogeneous
terms, to investigate the solution of the corresponding nonhomogeneous
equation. The study then delves into the Ulam-Hyers-type stabilities of the
homogeneous equation, leveraging the representation of the solution. To
validate the stability theory, we illustrate a numerical example. Finally, we
extend our analysis by presenting an exact solution for the nonhomogeneous
fractional difference equation with \(1<2{\delta}<2\), utilizing the discrete
two-parameter delayed sine and cosine-type function.
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ISRP Style
N. I. Mahmudov, M. Aydin, Qualitative analysis of Caputo fractional delayed difference system: a novel delayed discrete fractional sine and cosine-type function, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 18 (2025), no. 1, 43--63
AMA Style
Mahmudov N. I., Aydin M., Qualitative analysis of Caputo fractional delayed difference system: a novel delayed discrete fractional sine and cosine-type function. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2025); 18(1):43--63
Chicago/Turabian Style
Mahmudov, N. I., Aydin, M.. "Qualitative analysis of Caputo fractional delayed difference system: a novel delayed discrete fractional sine and cosine-type function." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 18, no. 1 (2025): 43--63
- Linear system
- fractional difference
- time-delay
- nabla sine cosine
- discrete delayed perturbation
- 33E12
- 34Kxx
- 39Axx
- 39A06
- 44A55
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