Complex valued rectangular b-metric spaces and an application to linear equations
Ozgur Ege
- Department of Mathematics, Celal Bayar University, Muradiye, 45140, Manisa, Turkey.
In this paper, we introduce complex valued rectangular b-metric spaces. We prove an analogue of Banach
contraction principle. We also prove a different contraction principle with a new condition and a fixed point
theorem in this space. Finally, we give an application of Banach contraction principle to linear equations.
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ISRP Style
Ozgur Ege, Complex valued rectangular b-metric spaces and an application to linear equations, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 8 (2015), no. 6, 1014--1021
AMA Style
Ege Ozgur, Complex valued rectangular b-metric spaces and an application to linear equations. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2015); 8(6):1014--1021
Chicago/Turabian Style
Ege, Ozgur. "Complex valued rectangular b-metric spaces and an application to linear equations." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 8, no. 6 (2015): 1014--1021
- Fixed point
- Banach contraction principle
- rectangular b-metric space.
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