Dynamics of the fuzzy difference equation \(z_n =\max\{\frac{ 1}{ z_{n-m}} , \frac{\alpha_n }{z_{n-r} }\}\)
Volume 11, Issue 4, pp 477--485
Publication Date: March 16, 2018
Submission Date: February 04, 2017
Revision Date: November 25, 2017
Accteptance Date: January 11, 0018
Taixiang Sun
- Guangxi Key Laboratory Cultivation Base of Cross-border E-commerce Intelligent Information Processing, Guangxi Univresity of Finance and Economics, Nanning, 530003, China.
Hongjian Xi
- Guangxi Key Laboratory Cultivation Base of Cross-border E-commerce Intelligent Information Processing, Guangxi Univresity of Finance and Economics, Nanning, 530003, China.
Guangwang Su
- Guangxi Key Laboratory Cultivation Base of Cross-border E-commerce Intelligent Information Processing, Guangxi Univresity of Finance and Economics, Nanning, 530003, China.
Bin Qin
- Guangxi Key Laboratory Cultivation Base of Cross-border E-commerce Intelligent Information Processing, Guangxi Univresity of Finance and Economics, Nanning, 530003, China.
In this paper, we study the eventual periodicity of the following
fuzzy max-type difference equation
\[z_n=\max\{\frac{1}{z_{n-m}},\frac{\alpha_n}{z_{n-r}}\},\ \
n=0,1,\ldots,\] where \(\{\alpha_n\}_{n\geq 0}\) is a periodic
sequence of positive fuzzy numbers and the initial values
are positive fuzzy numbers with
\(d=\max\{m,r\}\). We show that if
\(\max(\mbox{supp}\ \alpha_n)<1\), then every positive solution of
this equation is eventually periodic with period \(2m\).
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ISRP Style
Taixiang Sun, Hongjian Xi, Guangwang Su, Bin Qin, Dynamics of the fuzzy difference equation \(z_n =\max\{\frac{ 1}{ z_{n-m}} , \frac{\alpha_n }{z_{n-r} }\}\), Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 11 (2018), no. 4, 477--485
AMA Style
Sun Taixiang, Xi Hongjian, Su Guangwang, Qin Bin, Dynamics of the fuzzy difference equation \(z_n =\max\{\frac{ 1}{ z_{n-m}} , \frac{\alpha_n }{z_{n-r} }\}\). J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2018); 11(4):477--485
Chicago/Turabian Style
Sun, Taixiang, Xi, Hongjian, Su, Guangwang, Qin, Bin. "Dynamics of the fuzzy difference equation \(z_n =\max\{\frac{ 1}{ z_{n-m}} , \frac{\alpha_n }{z_{n-r} }\}\)." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 11, no. 4 (2018): 477--485
- Fuzzy max-type difference equation
- positive solution
- eventual periodicity
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