Stability of delayed neural networks with impulsive strength-dependent average impulsive intervals

Volume 11, Issue 5, pp 602--612
Publication Date: March 28, 2018 Submission Date: November 07, 2017 Revision Date: January 29, 2018 Accteptance Date: March 01, 2018


Huan Zhang - Department of Mathematics, YangZhou University, Jiangsu, 225002, China. Wenbing Zhang - Department of Mathematics, YangZhou University, Jiangsu, 225002, China. Zhi Li - Business School, SiChuan University, SiChuan, 610044, China.


This paper mainly deals with the stability of delayed neural networks with time-varying impulses, in which both stabilizing and destabilizing impulses are considered. By means of the comparison principle, the average impulsive interval and the Lyapunov function approach, sufficient conditions are obtained to ensure that the considered impulsive delayed neural network is exponentially stable. Different from existing results on stability of impulsive systems with average impulsive approach, it is assumed that impulsive strengths of stabilizing and destabilizing impulses take values from two finite states, and a new definition of impulsive strength-dependent average impulsive interval is proposed to characterize the impulsive sequence. The characteristics of the proposed impulsive strength-dependent average impulsive interval is that each impulsive strength has its own average impulsive interval and therefore the proposed impulsive strength-dependent average impulsive interval is more applicable than the average impulsive interval. Simulation examples are given to show the validity and potential advantages of the developed results.

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ISRP Style

Huan Zhang, Wenbing Zhang, Zhi Li, Stability of delayed neural networks with impulsive strength-dependent average impulsive intervals, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 11 (2018), no. 5, 602--612

AMA Style

Zhang Huan, Zhang Wenbing, Li Zhi, Stability of delayed neural networks with impulsive strength-dependent average impulsive intervals. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2018); 11(5):602--612

Chicago/Turabian Style

Zhang, Huan, Zhang, Wenbing, Li, Zhi. "Stability of delayed neural networks with impulsive strength-dependent average impulsive intervals." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 11, no. 5 (2018): 602--612


