The Estimation of Transference Rate HIV Infection into AIDS and Mortality in Children by Fuzzy Control


Ali Vahidian Kamyad - Professor Department of Mathematical Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Mojtaba Shokohi Nia - Islamic Azad University, Damghan Branch, Iran Mohammmad Reza Shokohi Nia - Mashhad Education Department District 2, Iran


Mathematical study of epidemic diseases is done for evaluation and control of diseases.certain and classis model of mathematics that describe this phenomenons frequently can not peruse all aspects for effect the model, because human biengs have different physiologic properties and circumstance.then they can not be perused as a same organism, then we shold tent to models that consider all aspect for survey of disease process with real and practical conditions.Rally this theory to disease can model with fuzzy mathematic.Over the last decade, the mathematical literature on uncertainty and fuzziness has grown considerably in system modeling, optimization, control in medical sciences.and several authors have advocated the use of fuzzy set theory in epidemiology diseases.Since the advent of the HIV infection, several mathematical models have been developed to describe its dynamics but that models has been perused with certain mathematic.In this paper we suggest fuzzy set theory, to estimation of transference rate of positive HIV population to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) in children manifestation And Estimation Rate Death In Children Using fuzzy control. Clinical examination of physicians confirm that transference rate of positive HIV population to AIDS is not certain and remarkably depend to essential factors like CD4 lymphosite cells count and viral load count and age of infected this research the transferens rate of positive HIV population to AIDS in children and And Estimation Rate Death In Children has estimated as a function of CD4 lymphosite cells count and viral load count and age of infected individual.After solve the model, with our algorithm ,the result corroborate the clinical real methical data with good access.

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ISRP Style

Ali Vahidian Kamyad, Mojtaba Shokohi Nia, Mohammmad Reza Shokohi Nia, The Estimation of Transference Rate HIV Infection into AIDS and Mortality in Children by Fuzzy Control, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2 (2011), no. 2, 241--254

AMA Style

Vahidian Kamyad Ali, Shokohi Nia Mojtaba, Shokohi Nia Mohammmad Reza, The Estimation of Transference Rate HIV Infection into AIDS and Mortality in Children by Fuzzy Control. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2011); 2(2):241--254

Chicago/Turabian Style

Vahidian Kamyad, Ali, Shokohi Nia, Mojtaba, Shokohi Nia, Mohammmad Reza. "The Estimation of Transference Rate HIV Infection into AIDS and Mortality in Children by Fuzzy Control." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2, no. 2 (2011): 241--254


