Oscillation conditions of the second-order noncanonical difference equations
P. Gopalakrishnan
- Department of Mathematics, Mahendra Arts \(\&\) Science College (Autonomous), Kalipatti, Namakkal Dt., Tamil Nadu, India.
A. Murugesan
- Department of Mathematics, Government Arts College (Autonomous), Salem-636007, Tamil Nadu, India.
C. Jayakumar
- Department of Mathematics, Mahendra Arts \(\&\) Science College (Autonomous), Kalipatti, Namakkal Dt., Tamil Nadu, India.
We derive new oscillatory conditions for the second-order noncanonical difference equations of the type
\Delta ( r(\nu) \Delta x(\nu) ) + q(\nu) x (\nu+\sigma) = 0, \quad \nu\geq \nu_0,\]
by creating monotonical properties of nonoscillatory solutions. Our oscillatory outcomes are effectively an extension of the previous ones. We provide several examples to demonstrate the efficacy of the new criteria.
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ISRP Style
P. Gopalakrishnan, A. Murugesan, C. Jayakumar, Oscillation conditions of the second-order noncanonical difference equations, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 25 (2022), no. 4, 351--360
AMA Style
Gopalakrishnan P., Murugesan A., Jayakumar C., Oscillation conditions of the second-order noncanonical difference equations. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2022); 25(4):351--360
Chicago/Turabian Style
Gopalakrishnan, P., Murugesan, A., Jayakumar, C.. "Oscillation conditions of the second-order noncanonical difference equations." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 25, no. 4 (2022): 351--360
- Oscillation
- nonoscillation
- second-order
- canonical
- noncanonical
- delay
- difference equations
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