Modelling the fourth wave of Covid-19 pandemic in Egypt
I. A. Moneim
- Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Benha University, Benha, PO 13518, Egypt.
E. I. A. El-Latif
- Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Benha University, Benha, PO 13518, Egypt.
This paper studied the dynamics of Covid-19 in Egypt using machine learning algorithms and the epidemiological model SEIR. Among the machine learning models studied, two models showed promising results (SVR, SEGPR). Predictions of the spread of Covid-19 in the next 70 days conducted using these three approaches. The data of the fourth wave of Covid-19 in egypt taken from the WHO. The statistical measures R-Squared and RMSE used to evaluate the accuracy of these models.
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ISRP Style
I. A. Moneim, E. I. A. El-Latif, Modelling the fourth wave of Covid-19 pandemic in Egypt, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 29 (2023), no. 1, 52--59
AMA Style
Moneim I. A., El-Latif E. I. A., Modelling the fourth wave of Covid-19 pandemic in Egypt. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2023); 29(1):52--59
Chicago/Turabian Style
Moneim, I. A., El-Latif, E. I. A.. "Modelling the fourth wave of Covid-19 pandemic in Egypt." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 29, no. 1 (2023): 52--59
- Machine learning
- Covid-19
- SEIR model
- prediction
- Egypt
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