Design Novel Aqm Schemes by Using Artificial Intelligence Technologies


S. Ghasempour - Department of Mathematics, Payam Noor University, Amol, Iran M. Hedayati - Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr Branch S. H. Kamali - Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch R. Shakerian - Young Researchers Club, Islamic Azad University, Ayatollah Amoli Branch


Due to the dynamic nature and complexity of TCP congestion control, the AQMs leave some opportunity for improvement. The objective of this paper is to design novel AQM schemes which achieve efficiency and robustness by using AI technologies, in particular FL. In this paper, we elaborate on the approach of developing AQM using FL. First, we present our AQM design and innovations in terms of the traffic load factor and the application of FL for AQM. After describing the structure of a generic FL controller (FLC) which directs an FLC design, the two proposed FL-based AQM (FLAQM) algorithms are then presented to realize proactive queuing in turn. Finally we show the analysis of the efficiency and feasibility of our proposed FLAQM algorithms.

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ISRP Style

S. Ghasempour, M. Hedayati, S. H. Kamali, R. Shakerian, Design Novel Aqm Schemes by Using Artificial Intelligence Technologies, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2 (2011), no. 3, 436--447

AMA Style

Ghasempour S., Hedayati M., Kamali S. H., Shakerian R., Design Novel Aqm Schemes by Using Artificial Intelligence Technologies. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2011); 2(3):436--447

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ghasempour, S., Hedayati, M., Kamali, S. H., Shakerian, R.. "Design Novel Aqm Schemes by Using Artificial Intelligence Technologies." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2, no. 3 (2011): 436--447


