Dynamic behaviors of two species amensalism model with a cover for the first species
Xiangdong Xie
- Department of Mathematics, Ningde Normal University, Ningde, Fujian, 352300, P. R. China.
Fengde Chen
- College of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350116, P. R. China.
Mengxin He
- College of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350116, P. R. China.
In this paper, a two species amensalism model with a cover for the first species takes the form
is investigated, where \(a_i, b_i, i = 1, 2\) and \(c_1\) are all positive constants, \(k\) is a cover provided for the
species \(x\), and \(0 < k < 1\). Our study shows that if \(0 \leq k < 1-\frac{a_1b_2}{a_2c_1}\),
then \(E_2(0, \frac{a_2}{b_2})\) is globally stable,
and if \(1>k>1-\frac{a_1b_2}{a_2c_1}\), then \(E_3(x^*, y^*)\) is the unique globally stable positive equilibrium. More
precisely, the conditions which ensure the local stability of \(E_2(0, \frac{a_2}{b_2})\)
is enough to ensure its global
stability, and once the positive equilibrium exists, it is globally stable. Some numerical simulations
are carried out to illustrate the feasibility of our findings.
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ISRP Style
Xiangdong Xie, Fengde Chen, Mengxin He, Dynamic behaviors of two species amensalism model with a cover for the first species, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 16 (2016), no. 3, 395--401
AMA Style
Xie Xiangdong, Chen Fengde, He Mengxin, Dynamic behaviors of two species amensalism model with a cover for the first species. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2016); 16(3):395--401
Chicago/Turabian Style
Xie, Xiangdong, Chen, Fengde, He, Mengxin. "Dynamic behaviors of two species amensalism model with a cover for the first species." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 16, no. 3 (2016): 395--401
- Amensalism model
- Lyapunov function
- stability.
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