A New Approach to Find All Solutions of Fuzzy Nonlinear Equations
H. Attari
- Department of Mathematics, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
S. H. Nasseri
- Department of Mathematics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
S. Chitgar
- Department of Mathematics, Iran University of Sciences and Technology, Behshahr, Iran
J. Vahidi
- Department of Mathematics, Iran University of Sciences and Technology, Behshahr, Iran
The aim of this paper is proposing a new approach for finding all solutions of system of nonlinear fuzzy equations using Fuzzy Linear Programming (FLP). This approach is based on the FLP test for nonexistence of a solution to a system of fuzzy nonlinear equations using fuzzy simplex method. Also a numerical example has proposed to show the applicability of the method.
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ISRP Style
H. Attari, S. H. Nasseri, S. Chitgar, J. Vahidi, A New Approach to Find All Solutions of Fuzzy Nonlinear Equations , Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4 (2012), no. 1, 25--31
AMA Style
Attari H., Nasseri S. H., Chitgar S., Vahidi J., A New Approach to Find All Solutions of Fuzzy Nonlinear Equations . J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2012); 4(1):25--31
Chicago/Turabian Style
Attari, H., Nasseri, S. H., Chitgar, S., Vahidi, J.. "A New Approach to Find All Solutions of Fuzzy Nonlinear Equations ." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4, no. 1 (2012): 25--31
- Fuzzy nonlinear equations
- Fuzzy linear programming
- Fuzzy simplex method.
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