Inventory Model for Time Dependent Holding Cost and Deterioration with Salvage Value and Shortages
Vinod Kumar Mishra
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, B.T. Kumaon Institute of Technology, Dwarahat, Almora, - 263653, (Uttarakhand), INDIA
In this paper, a deterministic inventory model is developed for deteriorating items in which shortages are allowed and salvage value is incorporated to the deteriorated items. In this model the demand rate is constant, deterioration rate is time dependent with weibull’s distribution and holding cost is a linear function of time. The model is solved analytically by minimizing the total inventory cost. Numerical analysis is provided to illustrate the solution and application of the model. The model can be applied to optimizing the total inventory cost for the business enterprises where holding cost and deterioration rate both are time dependent and salvage value is incorporated to the deteriorated items.
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ISRP Style
Vinod Kumar Mishra, Inventory Model for Time Dependent Holding Cost and Deterioration with Salvage Value and Shortages, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4 (2012), no. 1, 37--47
AMA Style
Mishra Vinod Kumar, Inventory Model for Time Dependent Holding Cost and Deterioration with Salvage Value and Shortages. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2012); 4(1):37--47
Chicago/Turabian Style
Mishra, Vinod Kumar. "Inventory Model for Time Dependent Holding Cost and Deterioration with Salvage Value and Shortages." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4, no. 1 (2012): 37--47
- Inventory
- deteriorating items
- shortages
- time dependent deterioration
- salvage value
- weibull’s distribution
- time varying holding cost.
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