Choosing an Appropriate Factorial System Through the Modern and Outmoded System by Two Approaches Anp Ahp-fuzzy
Gholamreza Abdollahzadeh
- Assistant Professor, Faculty of civil Engineering, Babol, Iran.
Mohammad Javad Taheri Amiri
- Tabari Institute of Higher Education, Dept. Of construction Management, Babol, Iran.
Ehsan Akbari Kaffash
- Tabari Institute of Higher Education, Dept. Of construction Management, Babol, Iran.
Media Hemmatian
- Isfahan University of technology, Dept. Of Industrial Engineering, Isfahan, Iran.
Soroush Keihanfard
- Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Dept. of Construction Management, Mazandaran, Iran.
Today, by introducing the factorial modern systems to the construction industry of the country, it is not easy to make a decision in order to use these modern systems together with the outmoded and conventional systems .Regarding the unique traits in each of these systems, and the special conditions of each project, it is possible that each of these systems to have a priority over the factorial systems prevailing in the country. Thus, it was made an effort to choose the most appropriate factorial system through the modern and outmoded systems in the country using the multi criteria making decision methods, ANP and AHP-FUZZY, and regarding some of the important criteria in choosing the type of the factorial system such as dead load, saving energy, performance facility, etc .finally, light steel frame (LSF) system has been chosen as the most appropriate selection through the ones under study.
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ISRP Style
Gholamreza Abdollahzadeh, Mohammad Javad Taheri Amiri, Ehsan Akbari Kaffash, Media Hemmatian, Soroush Keihanfard, Choosing an Appropriate Factorial System Through the Modern and Outmoded System by Two Approaches Anp Ahp-fuzzy, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 6 (2013), no. 2, 107 - 117
AMA Style
Abdollahzadeh Gholamreza, Amiri Mohammad Javad Taheri, Kaffash Ehsan Akbari, Hemmatian Media, Keihanfard Soroush, Choosing an Appropriate Factorial System Through the Modern and Outmoded System by Two Approaches Anp Ahp-fuzzy. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2013); 6(2):107 - 117
Chicago/Turabian Style
Abdollahzadeh, Gholamreza, Amiri, Mohammad Javad Taheri, Kaffash, Ehsan Akbari, Hemmatian, Media, Keihanfard, Soroush. "Choosing an Appropriate Factorial System Through the Modern and Outmoded System by Two Approaches Anp Ahp-fuzzy." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 6, no. 2 (2013): 107 - 117
- Structural systems
- Industrialization
- Management and structure engineering
- 90C70
- 90B30
- 90B06
- 90B50
- 90B10
- 90B90
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