A Graph Based Approach for Clustering Ensemble of Fuzzy Partitions
Mohammad Ahmadzadeh
- Mazandaran University of Science and Technology.
Zahra Azartash Golestan
- Mazandaran University of Science and Technology.
Javad Vahidi
- Iran University of Science and Technology.
Babak Shirazi
- Mazandaran University of Science and Technology.
Fuzzy clustering and Cluster Ensemble are important subjects in data mining. In recent years, fuzzy
clustering algorithms have been growing rapidly, but fuzzy Clustering ensemble techniques have not
grown much and most of them have been created by converting them to a fuzzy version of Consensus
Function. In this paper, a fuzzy cluster ensemble method based on graph is introduced. Proposed approach
uses membership matrixes obtained from multiple fuzzy partitions resulted by various fuzzy methods, and
then creates fuzzy co-association matrixes for each partition which their entries present degree of
correlation between related data points. Finally all of these matrixes summarize in another matrix called
strength matrix and the final result is specified by an iterative decreasing process until one gets the
desired number of clusters. Also a few data sets and some UCI datasets data set are used for evaluation of
proposed methods. The proposed approach shows this could be more effective than base clustering
algorithms same of FCM, K-means and spectral method and in comparison with various cluster ensemble
methods, the proposed methods consist of results that are more reliable and less error rates than other
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ISRP Style
Mohammad Ahmadzadeh, Zahra Azartash Golestan, Javad Vahidi, Babak Shirazi, A Graph Based Approach for Clustering Ensemble of Fuzzy Partitions, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 6 (2013), no. 2, 154 - 165
AMA Style
Ahmadzadeh Mohammad, Golestan Zahra Azartash, Vahidi Javad, Shirazi Babak, A Graph Based Approach for Clustering Ensemble of Fuzzy Partitions. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2013); 6(2):154 - 165
Chicago/Turabian Style
Ahmadzadeh, Mohammad, Golestan, Zahra Azartash, Vahidi, Javad, Shirazi, Babak. "A Graph Based Approach for Clustering Ensemble of Fuzzy Partitions." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 6, no. 2 (2013): 154 - 165
- Fuzzy Clustering Ensemble
- Fuzzy Co-association Matrix
- Dissimilarity Matrix.
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