On the Amalgamated Duplication of an Unitary Normed Algebra Along an Ideal


Sara Dadras - Department of Mathematics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran, Iran. Mahsa Jafarian - Department of Mathematics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran, Iran.


In this paper, based on an amalgamated duplication of a ring along an ideal, we will construct the amalgamated duplication of an unitary normed algebra \(X\) along its proper ideal I (i.e. \(X \bowtie I\)). Then we will discus about its Banach conditions and abstract properties. Mainly we have proven that if \(X\) ba a Banach algebra and \(I\) be its closed ideal then \(X \bowtie I\) will be Banach algebra too. As well, we have shown that its completion and ideals based on original normed algebra \(X\). Finally some more aspects to expend these results for generalized normed algebras are given.

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ISRP Style

Sara Dadras, Mahsa Jafarian, On the Amalgamated Duplication of an Unitary Normed Algebra Along an Ideal, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8 (2014), no. 1, 75 - 80

AMA Style

Dadras Sara, Jafarian Mahsa, On the Amalgamated Duplication of an Unitary Normed Algebra Along an Ideal. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 8(1):75 - 80

Chicago/Turabian Style

Dadras, Sara, Jafarian, Mahsa. "On the Amalgamated Duplication of an Unitary Normed Algebra Along an Ideal." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8, no. 1 (2014): 75 - 80


