A Fast Maximum Power Point Tracking for Mismatching Compensation for Pv Systems Under Normal and Partially Shaded Conditions


Mohammad Sarvi - Electrical Engineering Department, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran. Mandana Hojati Tabatabaee - Electrical Engineering Department, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran. Iman Soltani - Electrical Engineering Department, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.


To increase the efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) systems, maximum power point tracking of the solar arrays is needed. Output power of solar arrays depends on the solar irradiance, temperature and load. Irradiance changing effects on current is more than voltage and with irradiance increasing, current increases more than voltage and finally power increases. But effect of temperature changing is more on voltage and with temperature increasing, voltage decreases and in result the power decreases. If solar array be under shade conditions, it’s P-I characteristic has multiple peaks and finding of real maximum power point is a problem. This paper presents a fast maximum power point tracking with improved Particle Swarm Optimizationfor PV systems under normal and partially shaded conditions. Simulation results confirm that proposed MPPT algorithm and kinds of it with high accuracy can track the peak power point under different irradiation, temperature and partially shaded conditions and they have results near to real value.

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ISRP Style

Mohammad Sarvi, Mandana Hojati Tabatabaee, Iman Soltani, A Fast Maximum Power Point Tracking for Mismatching Compensation for Pv Systems Under Normal and Partially Shaded Conditions, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8 (2014), no. 1, 52 - 74

AMA Style

Sarvi Mohammad, Tabatabaee Mandana Hojati, Soltani Iman, A Fast Maximum Power Point Tracking for Mismatching Compensation for Pv Systems Under Normal and Partially Shaded Conditions. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 8(1):52 - 74

Chicago/Turabian Style

Sarvi, Mohammad, Tabatabaee, Mandana Hojati, Soltani, Iman. "A Fast Maximum Power Point Tracking for Mismatching Compensation for Pv Systems Under Normal and Partially Shaded Conditions." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8, no. 1 (2014): 52 - 74


