Solidification of Nano-enhanced Phase Change Material (nepcm) in an Enclosure
M. Hosseini
- Islamic Azad University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Qaemshahr Branch, Iran.
M. Shirvani
- Islamic Azad University, Department of computer Engineering, Babol Branch, Iran.
A. Azarmanesh
- Babol University Pnu, Department of Indutsrial Engineering P. O. Box: 484, Babol, Iran.
The effects of nanoparticle dispersion \((\phi= 0, 0.025, 0.05)\) on solidification of different type of
mixture of nanofluids namely, Cu-water, \(TiO_2\)-Water and \(Al_2O_3\)-Water nanofluid inside a vertical
enclosure are investigated numerically for different Grashof number \(( Gr=10^4 ,10^5 ,10^6 )\). An enthalpy
porosity technique is used to trace the solid and liquid interface. Comparisons with previously published
works show the accuracy of the obtained results. A maximum of 16% decrease in solidification time for
\(Gr=10^6\) in comparison with \(Gr=10^5\) was found with the Cu nanoparticles and 0.2% volume fraction. It
was observed that dispersion of nanoparticles can be used to control the solidification time based on
enhancing conduction heat transfer mechanism of solidification.
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ISRP Style
M. Hosseini, M. Shirvani, A. Azarmanesh, Solidification of Nano-enhanced Phase Change Material (nepcm) in an Enclosure, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8 (2014), no. 1, 21 - 27
AMA Style
Hosseini M., Shirvani M., Azarmanesh A., Solidification of Nano-enhanced Phase Change Material (nepcm) in an Enclosure. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 8(1):21 - 27
Chicago/Turabian Style
Hosseini, M., Shirvani, M., Azarmanesh, A.. "Solidification of Nano-enhanced Phase Change Material (nepcm) in an Enclosure." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8, no. 1 (2014): 21 - 27
- Nanoparticle
- Nanofluid
- Solidification
- Phase change material.
- 76T99
- 76T20
- 76R10
- 80A22
- 80A20
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