Comparison Between Artificial Neural Network Learning Algorithms for Prediction of Student Average Considering Effective Factors in Learning and Educational Progress
Saeed Ayat
- Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Payame Noor University, Iran.
Zabihollah Ahmad Pour
- Department of Science, Islamic Azad University – Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Iran.
In this project, by using different learning algorithms in the form of 37 input parameters of
network for predicting average considering effective factors in learning and educational
progress, the Perceptron artificial neural network have been studied.
The requisite data have been obtained through handing out questionnaires between 400
students of Payame Noor University majoring in computer engineering, information
technology and computer science.
For recognizing the best learning algorithm, 13 common algorithms considering factors
such as training time, the percentage of accountability, the index of efficiency ( the mean
squared errors), and the number of epoch have been studied after error propagation. Finally
the LM algorithm was recognized as the best learning algorithm for prediction of average.
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ISRP Style
Saeed Ayat, Zabihollah Ahmad Pour, Comparison Between Artificial Neural Network Learning Algorithms for Prediction of Student Average Considering Effective Factors in Learning and Educational Progress, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8 (2014), no. 3, 215 - 225
AMA Style
Ayat Saeed, Pour Zabihollah Ahmad, Comparison Between Artificial Neural Network Learning Algorithms for Prediction of Student Average Considering Effective Factors in Learning and Educational Progress. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 8(3):215 - 225
Chicago/Turabian Style
Ayat, Saeed, Pour, Zabihollah Ahmad. "Comparison Between Artificial Neural Network Learning Algorithms for Prediction of Student Average Considering Effective Factors in Learning and Educational Progress." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8, no. 3 (2014): 215 - 225
- learning algorithm
- artificial neural network
- prediction of average.
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