Image Segmentation with Improved Distance Measure in Som and K Means Algorithms
Khosro Jalali
- Department of Electronic Engineering, Technical and Vocational Schools Mahmoud Abad.
Mostafa Heydari
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shomal University, Amol, Iran.
Asma Tanavar
- Department of Computer Engineering ,Islamic Azad University ,Sari branch, Sari, Iran.
This paper explains the task of segmenting image by improved distance measure in SOM and K means algorithms. Image segmentation, divides the image into its constituent regions. It can be said the most prominent features in segmenting is the image brightness for monochrome images and the color components of color images. Over all pixels of image analysis is difficult, Pixels with similar brightness, with the use of image segmentation are grouped together. To achieve higher accuracy of segmentation, we are used fit the soft computing techniques namely Fuzzy algorithms. Image segmentation in many cases (For example, the tumor area to help doctors detect tumor) only be used to assist human visual system. This paper compares segmentation-based methods, visual system and scoring is on him.
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ISRP Style
Khosro Jalali, Mostafa Heydari, Asma Tanavar, Image Segmentation with Improved Distance Measure in Som and K Means Algorithms, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8 (2014), no. 4, 367 - 376
AMA Style
Jalali Khosro, Heydari Mostafa, Tanavar Asma, Image Segmentation with Improved Distance Measure in Som and K Means Algorithms. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 8(4):367 - 376
Chicago/Turabian Style
Jalali, Khosro, Heydari, Mostafa, Tanavar, Asma. "Image Segmentation with Improved Distance Measure in Som and K Means Algorithms." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8, no. 4 (2014): 367 - 376
- Segmentation
- Distance measure
- K means algorithm
- P-norm weigthed SOM
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