Applications of Opls Statistical Method in Medicine
Kianoush Fathi Vajargah
- Department of Statistics, Islamic Azad University, North branch, Tehran, Iran.
Robabe Mehdizadeh
- Department of Statistics, Islamic Azad University, North branch, Tehran, Iran.
Homayoun Sadeghi-bazargani
- Department of Statistics and Epidemiology, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.
Studies related to prognosis in medicine result in a large volume of variables if clinical and laboratory variables are simultaneously accompanied with new imaging techniques; this issue causes problems for classical statistical methods such as logistic and linear regression. Among these cases, emergence of multicollinearity or close linear correlation between regression variables when the number of regression variables is high can be pointed out. Emergence of multicollinearity is inappropriate for ordinary least squares of regression model. PLS is a well-known method for connecting two X and Y data matrices using a multicollinearity model. OPLS is the product of a change which has occurred on PLS method in recent years. Considering application problems of linear regression method, applying an alternative method is a requirement. Using OPLS method can reduce model complexity and develop its power.
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ISRP Style
Kianoush Fathi Vajargah, Robabe Mehdizadeh, Homayoun Sadeghi-bazargani, Applications of Opls Statistical Method in Medicine, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8 (2014), no. 4, 411-422
AMA Style
Vajargah Kianoush Fathi, Mehdizadeh Robabe, Sadeghi-bazargani Homayoun, Applications of Opls Statistical Method in Medicine. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 8(4):411-422
Chicago/Turabian Style
Vajargah, Kianoush Fathi, Mehdizadeh, Robabe, Sadeghi-bazargani, Homayoun. "Applications of Opls Statistical Method in Medicine." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8, no. 4 (2014): 411-422
- Medical studies
- linear regression
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