Study and Investigation of the Problems and Learning Disorders of Students by Various Cognitive Styles in Mathematics Course at Rasht Shahid Chamran Higher Education Center
Ahmad Hedayat Panah
- Azad University Rasht, Iran
The purpose of design investigating the interaction and effectiveness are the student’s cognitive style FI and FD in solving mathematics problems and concepts and skills disorders in this course. In fact we would see how students with different learning styles appear in scene .The populations studied at this research are the entire student at Rasht shahid chamran central. The sampling at had been carried out multistep randomly. Statistical analyzing had been carried out on 64 sample group on 70% of individuals who had answered to both test, GEFT(group embedded figures TEST) and mathematic test .The tool of this research, group embedded figures test(GEFT) as independence variable and mathematics researcher-made test consisted of 50 questions in the cognitive areas“ Knowledge, understanding ،comprehension, application, analyzing, combination and evaluation and judgment” are learning concerning pre-entering to university which had been introduced as dependent variables and the main result are as follow: 1- Students in FI cognitive style have enjoyed more favorable course states in mathematics lessons comparing to the students with FD cognitive style in various cognitive areas. 2- Students with unclosed field cognitive style (FI) will express more effective performance in solving mathematics problems than students with closed field (FD).
3- Students with cognitive styles FD have suffered more from learning disorders in mathematics concepts and skills at education period comparison to students with cognitive style FI. 4- Both group of FI and FD had been the least improvement in combined cognitive area, on the other hand, both of this group have the least disorder in function area. 5- Student with cognitive style in all Bloo،B،S. cognitive area has disorder working area of mathematics.
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ISRP Style
Ahmad Hedayat Panah, Study and Investigation of the Problems and Learning Disorders of Students by Various Cognitive Styles in Mathematics Course at Rasht Shahid Chamran Higher Education Center, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1 (2010), no. 3, 216--229
AMA Style
Hedayat Panah Ahmad, Study and Investigation of the Problems and Learning Disorders of Students by Various Cognitive Styles in Mathematics Course at Rasht Shahid Chamran Higher Education Center. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2010); 1(3):216--229
Chicago/Turabian Style
Hedayat Panah, Ahmad. "Study and Investigation of the Problems and Learning Disorders of Students by Various Cognitive Styles in Mathematics Course at Rasht Shahid Chamran Higher Education Center." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1, no. 3 (2010): 216--229
- independent
- dependent
- cognitive
- disorder
- mathematical BLoomdomin.
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