A Model for Selecting an Erp System with Triangular Fuzzy Numbers and Mamdani Inference


J. Vahidi - Department of Applied Mathematics, Iran University of Science and Technology, Behshahr, Iran. D. Darvishi Salookolayi - Department of Mathematics, Payeme Noor University, Bandpey branch, Babol, Iran. A. Yavari - Mazandaran University of Science and Technology.


The enterprise resource planning (ERP) is an integrated set of programs that provide support for core business processes, such as production, input and output logistics, finance and accounting, sales and marketing and resource. It is important to select an ERP that adapt with organization requirements. This paper presents a method for selecting a suitable ERP system based on fuzzy logic. This model has 3 inputs: functionality, cost and vendor support. These inputs are criteria for selecting suitable ERP for organization. We use triangular fuzzy membership function for each criterion and develop a Mamdani inference system.

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ISRP Style

J. Vahidi, D. Darvishi Salookolayi, A. Yavari, A Model for Selecting an Erp System with Triangular Fuzzy Numbers and Mamdani Inference, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 9 (2014), no. 1, 46 - 54

AMA Style

Vahidi J., Salookolayi D. Darvishi, Yavari A., A Model for Selecting an Erp System with Triangular Fuzzy Numbers and Mamdani Inference. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 9(1):46 - 54

Chicago/Turabian Style

Vahidi, J., Salookolayi, D. Darvishi, Yavari, A.. "A Model for Selecting an Erp System with Triangular Fuzzy Numbers and Mamdani Inference." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 9, no. 1 (2014): 46 - 54


