Analytical Disturbance Modeling of a Flywheel Due to Statically and Dynamically Unbalances
Amir Karimian
- Department of mechanical engineering, university of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
Saied Shokrollahi
- Department of aerospace engineering, space research institute, Tehran, Iran.
Shahram Yousefi
- Department of aerospace engineering, space research institute, Tehran, Iran.
Alireza Aghalari
- Department of aerospace engineering, space research institute, Tehran, Iran.
Unbalances in rotational machines can’t delete completely somehow for precise mechanism it is necessary to control vibration due to such disturbances. In this research two common disturbance resources (dynamically and statically unbalances) for a flywheel on a rigid shaft modeled and energy methods used to derive equation of motion in five degrees of freedom. Equations linearized due to small vibration and disturbance forces and torques achieved. The model use to define design criteria for accepted level of unbalances in precise machines like real flywheel with known parameters used in a control system of a satellite.
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ISRP Style
Amir Karimian, Saied Shokrollahi, Shahram Yousefi, Alireza Aghalari, Analytical Disturbance Modeling of a Flywheel Due to Statically and Dynamically Unbalances, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 9 (2014), no. 2, 139 - 148
AMA Style
Karimian Amir, Shokrollahi Saied, Yousefi Shahram, Aghalari Alireza, Analytical Disturbance Modeling of a Flywheel Due to Statically and Dynamically Unbalances. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 9(2):139 - 148
Chicago/Turabian Style
Karimian, Amir, Shokrollahi, Saied, Yousefi, Shahram, Aghalari, Alireza. "Analytical Disturbance Modeling of a Flywheel Due to Statically and Dynamically Unbalances." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 9, no. 2 (2014): 139 - 148
- reaction wheel
- unbalances
- disturbances.
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