Speaker Identification by Comparison of Smart Methods
Ali mahdavi Meimand
- Department of Electrical Engineering, Sirjan Branch Islamic Azad University,Sirjan, Iran.
Amin Asadi
- Department of Computer Engineering, Sirjan Branch Islamic Azad University,Sirjan, Iran.
Majid Mohamadi
- Department of Electrical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman.
Voice recognition or speaker identification is a topic in artificial intelligence and computer science that aims to identify a person based on his voice. Speaker identification is a scientific field with numerous applications in various fields including security, espionage, etc. There are various analyses to identify the speaker in which some characteristics of an audio signal are extracted and these characteristics and a classification method are used to identify the specified speaker among many other speakers. The errors in the results of these analyzes are inevitable; however, researchers have been trying to minimize the error by modifying the previous analyzes or by providing new analyzes. This study uses the modification of group delay function analysis for the first time to identify the speaker. The results obtained by this method, in comparison with the group delay function method, approve the capabilities of the proposed method.
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ISRP Style
Ali mahdavi Meimand, Amin Asadi, Majid Mohamadi, Speaker Identification by Comparison of Smart Methods, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 10 (2014), no. 1, 61-71
AMA Style
Meimand Ali mahdavi, Asadi Amin, Mohamadi Majid, Speaker Identification by Comparison of Smart Methods. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 10(1):61-71
Chicago/Turabian Style
Meimand, Ali mahdavi, Asadi, Amin, Mohamadi, Majid. "Speaker Identification by Comparison of Smart Methods." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 10, no. 1 (2014): 61-71
- Speaker identification
- MFCC analysis
- MODGDF analysis
- Auto parameters.
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