Hassan Haleh - Department of Industrial Engineering, AssistantProfessor, Golpayegan University of Technology, Golpayegan, Iran. Arman Bahari - Department of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran. Behnoosh Moody - Department of Management , University of Sistan & Baluchistan, Sistan & Baluchistan,Iran.
Most of manufacturing industries in our country practice the traditional production systems. Effective management of the steady state operation is no longer enough to ensure the survival,let alone the successof an organization. The performance of the operations has to be improved continually in all its aspects, and it is driven by the quest for increased productivity, flexibility and continuously changing competitive environment.The increasing global character of market for goods and services,is stimulated by the factors like improvements in transport, data communication systems, and primarily the automation of manufacturing operations. These features need for continuous performance analysis and improvement of manufacturing systems. Therefore, the key to stay at the apex of global competition is to meet the dynamically changing need of customers. Manufacturing systems performance analysis using Petri Nets(PN) is one of the promising tools employed for assessing. PN models are now common place within the sphere of performance modeling of manufacturing systems due to reasons like graphical and precise representation of system activities and models at various levels of detail and ability to capture the existence of concurrency,parallelism,resource constraints and process dependencies accurately. This paper, focuses on analyzing the performance of the manufacturing process of pars metal, one of the manufacturing industries in the country, using PN so as to evaluate various performance parameters such as utilization rate of machines, bottleneck detection, cycle time,and throughput rate of system under consideration and providing solutions and recommendations for the pitfalls and ramification for attaining the optimum productivity.
Hassan Haleh, Arman Bahari, Behnoosh Moody, Performance Analysis of Manufacturing Systems Using Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 11 (2014), no. 1, 1-12
Haleh Hassan, Bahari Arman, Moody Behnoosh, Performance Analysis of Manufacturing Systems Using Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 11(1):1-12
Haleh, Hassan, Bahari, Arman, Moody, Behnoosh. "Performance Analysis of Manufacturing Systems Using Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 11, no. 1 (2014): 1-12