On a Semi-symmetric Non-metric Connection in an Indefinite Para Sasakian Manifold


S. K. Pandey - Department of Mathematical Sciences, A.P.S. University, Rewa(M.P.),486003, India. G. Pandey - Department of Mathematical Sciences, A.P.S. University, Rewa(M.P.),486003, India. K. Tiwari - Department of Mathematical Sciences, A.P.S. University, Rewa(M.P.),486003, India. R. N. Singh - Department of Mathematical Sciences, A.P.S. University, Rewa(M.P.),486003, India.


The object of the present paper is to study a semi-symmetric non-metric connection in an indefinite para Sasakian manifold. In this paper, we obtain the relation between the semi-symmetric non-metric connection and Levi-Civita connection in an indefinite para Sasakian manifold. Also, the Nijenhuis tensor, curvature tensor and projective curvature tensor of semi-symmetric non-metric connection in an indefinite para Sasakian manifold have been studied.

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ISRP Style

S. K. Pandey, G. Pandey, K. Tiwari, R. N. Singh, On a Semi-symmetric Non-metric Connection in an Indefinite Para Sasakian Manifold, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 12 (2014), no. 2, 159-172

AMA Style

Pandey S. K., Pandey G., Tiwari K., Singh R. N., On a Semi-symmetric Non-metric Connection in an Indefinite Para Sasakian Manifold. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 12(2):159-172

Chicago/Turabian Style

Pandey, S. K., Pandey, G., Tiwari , K., Singh, R. N.. "On a Semi-symmetric Non-metric Connection in an Indefinite Para Sasakian Manifold." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 12, no. 2 (2014): 159-172


