Dynamics of some parametric operators from the class of \( \zeta^{(as)}\)-QSO
Basma M. Al-Shutnawi
- Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Tafila Technical University, Tafila 66110, Jordan.
In this paper the quadratic stochastic operators (QSO) were considered, these operators describe the population dynamic system. Some quadratic stochastic operators were studied by Lotka and Volterra. Moreover, we discuss the dynamic of some parametric operators from the class of \( \zeta^{(as)}\)-QSO.
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ISRP Style
Basma M. Al-Shutnawi, Dynamics of some parametric operators from the class of \( \zeta^{(as)}\)-QSO, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 19 (2019), no. 3, 212--217
AMA Style
Al-Shutnawi Basma M., Dynamics of some parametric operators from the class of \( \zeta^{(as)}\)-QSO. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2019); 19(3):212--217
Chicago/Turabian Style
Al-Shutnawi, Basma M.. "Dynamics of some parametric operators from the class of \( \zeta^{(as)}\)-QSO." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 19, no. 3 (2019): 212--217
- Quadratic stochastic operators
- \(\zeta^{(as)}\)-QSO
- fixed points
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