Coincidence and common fixed point results via simulation functions in G-metric spaces
Manoj Kumar
- Department of Mathematics, Starex University, Gurugram, India.
Sahil Arora
- Department of Mathematics, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India.
Mohammad Imdad
- Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.
Waleed M. Alfaqih
- Department of Mathematics, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India.
In this work, we establish some coincidence and common fixed point theorems in symmetrical G-metric space via simulation functions. In the presented work, we extend the results of Argoubi et al. [H. Argoubi, B. Samet, C. Vetro, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl., \(\bf 8\) (2015), 1082--1094] by using the concept of G-metric space. An illustrative example is also given to show the genuineness of our results. We also apply our results to derive some coincidence and common fixed point results for right monotone simulation function in the framework of G-metric space.
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ISRP Style
Manoj Kumar, Sahil Arora, Mohammad Imdad, Waleed M. Alfaqih, Coincidence and common fixed point results via simulation functions in G-metric spaces, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 19 (2019), no. 4, 288--300
AMA Style
Kumar Manoj, Arora Sahil, Imdad Mohammad, Alfaqih Waleed M., Coincidence and common fixed point results via simulation functions in G-metric spaces. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2019); 19(4):288--300
Chicago/Turabian Style
Kumar, Manoj, Arora, Sahil, Imdad, Mohammad, Alfaqih, Waleed M.. "Coincidence and common fixed point results via simulation functions in G-metric spaces." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 19, no. 4 (2019): 288--300
- Simulation function
- right monotone simulation function
- G-metric space
- coincident point
- fixed point
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