On dynamics of fractional-order oncolytic virotherapy models
Abdullah Abu-Rqayiq
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Texas A \& M University-Corpus Christi, Texas, 78412-5825, USA.
Mohammad Zannon
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Tafilah Technical University, Tafilah, Jordan.
In this paper, we provide a mathematical model with a fractional-order to investigate the dynamics of oncolytic virotherapy. We focus on how the dynamics of oncolytic virotherapy models can rely on the burst size of the virus. The burst size of a virus is the number of new viruses released from the lysis of an infected cell. Different viruses have different burst sizes. The numerical simulations confirm that the fractional-order differential models have the ability can provide accurate descriptions of oncolytic virotherapy models and capture the memory of the dynamics.
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ISRP Style
Abdullah Abu-Rqayiq, Mohammad Zannon, On dynamics of fractional-order oncolytic virotherapy models, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 20 (2020), no. 2, 79--87
AMA Style
Abu-Rqayiq Abdullah, Zannon Mohammad, On dynamics of fractional-order oncolytic virotherapy models. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2020); 20(2):79--87
Chicago/Turabian Style
Abu-Rqayiq, Abdullah, Zannon, Mohammad. "On dynamics of fractional-order oncolytic virotherapy models." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 20, no. 2 (2020): 79--87
- Fractional calculus
- oncolytic virotherapy
- immune innate response
- equilibrium points
- local stability
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