Fourier expansions for Genocchi polynomials of higher order


Cristina B. Corcino - Research Institute for Computational Mathematics and Physics, Cebu Normal University, Osmena Boulevard, Cebu City, Philippines. Baby Ann A. Damgo - Mathematics Department, Cebu Normal University, Osmena Boulevard, Cebu City, Philippines. Roberto B. Corcino - Research Institute for Computational Mathematics and Physics, Cebu Normal University, Osmena Boulevard, Cebu City, Philippines.


In this paper, Fourier expansions and integral representations for Genocchi polynomials of higher order are established. Using the Fourier expansion, the explicit formula for Genocchi polynomials at rational arguments in terms of Hurwitz zeta function is also obtained.

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ISRP Style

Cristina B. Corcino, Baby Ann A. Damgo, Roberto B. Corcino, Fourier expansions for Genocchi polynomials of higher order, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 22 (2021), no. 1, 59--72

AMA Style

Corcino Cristina B., Damgo Baby Ann A., Corcino Roberto B., Fourier expansions for Genocchi polynomials of higher order. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2021); 22(1):59--72

Chicago/Turabian Style

Corcino, Cristina B., Damgo, Baby Ann A., Corcino, Roberto B.. "Fourier expansions for Genocchi polynomials of higher order." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 22, no. 1 (2021): 59--72


