Duality for non-smooth semidefinite multiobjective programming problems with equilibrium constraints using convexificators

Volume 17, Issue 3, pp 128--149 https://dx.doi.org/10.22436/jnsa.017.03.03
Publication Date: July 17, 2024 Submission Date: December 23, 2023 Revision Date: June 11, 2024 Accteptance Date: June 23, 2024


B. B. Upadhyay - Department of Mathematics, ‎Indian Institute of Technology, ‎Patna, India. S. K. Singh - Department of Mathematics, ‎Indian Institute of Technology, ‎Patna, India. I‎. ‎M‎. ‎ Stancu-Minasian - Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob, ‎Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, ‎050711 Bucharest, Romania.


‎In this article‎, ‎we investigate the duality theorems for a class of non-smooth semidefinite multiobjective programming problems with equilibrium constraints (in short‎, ‎NSMPEC) via convexificators‎. ‎Utilizing the properties of convexificators‎, ‎we present Wolfe-type (in short‎, ‎WMPEC) and Mond-Weir-type (in short‎, ‎MWMPEC) dual models for the problem NSMPEC‎. ‎Furthermore‎, ‎we establish various duality theorems‎, ‎such as weak‎, ‎strong‎, ‎and strict converse duality theorems relating to the primal problem NSMPEC and the corresponding dual models‎, ‎in terms of convexificators‎. ‎Numerous illustrative examples are furnished to demonstrate the importance of the established results‎. ‎Furthermore‎, ‎we discuss an application of semidefinite multiobjective programming problems in approximating K-means-type clustering problems‎. ‎To the best of our knowledge‎, ‎duality results presented in this paper for NSMPEC using convexificators have not been explored before‎.

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ISRP Style

B. B. Upadhyay, S. K. Singh, I‎. ‎M‎. ‎ Stancu-Minasian, Duality for non-smooth semidefinite multiobjective programming problems with equilibrium constraints using convexificators, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 17 (2024), no. 3, 128--149

AMA Style

Upadhyay B. B., Singh S. K., Stancu-Minasian I‎. ‎M‎. ‎, Duality for non-smooth semidefinite multiobjective programming problems with equilibrium constraints using convexificators. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2024); 17(3):128--149

Chicago/Turabian Style

Upadhyay, B. B., Singh, S. K., Stancu-Minasian, I‎. ‎M‎. ‎. "Duality for non-smooth semidefinite multiobjective programming problems with equilibrium constraints using convexificators." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 17, no. 3 (2024): 128--149


