Applications of Mann's method to the split common fixed point problem


Youli Yu - School of Mathematics and Information Engineering, Taizhou University, Linhai 317000, China. Zhangsong Yao - School of Information Engineering, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing 211171, China. Yaqin Wang - Department of Mathematics, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing 312000, China. Xiaoli Fang - Department of Mathematics, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing 312000, China.


In the present paper, we suggest a new fixed point method for solving the split common fixed point problem of directed operators. We present an iterative algorithm based on Mann’s method. We prove that the presented algorithm converges weakly to a solution of the split common fixed point problem of directed operators.

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ISRP Style

Youli Yu, Zhangsong Yao, Yaqin Wang, Xiaoli Fang, Applications of Mann's method to the split common fixed point problem, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 10 (2017), no. 3, 1195--1200

AMA Style

Yu Youli, Yao Zhangsong, Wang Yaqin, Fang Xiaoli, Applications of Mann's method to the split common fixed point problem. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2017); 10(3):1195--1200

Chicago/Turabian Style

Yu, Youli, Yao, Zhangsong, Wang, Yaqin, Fang, Xiaoli. "Applications of Mann's method to the split common fixed point problem." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 10, no. 3 (2017): 1195--1200


