\(BL_{p,\nu}^{m}\) estimates for the Riesz transforms associated with Laplace-Bessel operator
Ismail Ekincioglu
- Department of Mathematics Kutahya, Dumlupnar University, Turkey.
Cansu Keskin
- Department of Mathematics Kutahya, Dumlupnar University, Turkey.
Serap Guner
- Department of Mathematics Kutahya, Dumlupnar University, Turkey.
In this paper, we introduce higher order Riesz-Bessel transforms which
we can express partial derivatives of order \(\alpha\) of \(I_{m,\nu}f\) for \(f\in L_{p,\nu}\).
In addition, we establish relationship between Riesz potential
with higher order Riesz-Bessel transform related to generalized shift operator.
By using this relationship, we make some improvements of integral estimates
for \(I_{m,\nu}f\) and higher order Riesz-Bessel transform \(R_{\nu}^{m}\) in the
Beppo Levi space \(BL_{p,\nu}^{m}\). We prove an estimate for the singular integral operator with
convolution type generated by generalized shift operator in the Beppo Levi spaces.
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ISRP Style
Ismail Ekincioglu, Cansu Keskin, Serap Guner, \(BL_{p,\nu}^{m}\) estimates for the Riesz transforms associated with Laplace-Bessel operator, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 11 (2018), no. 6, 832--840
AMA Style
Ekincioglu Ismail, Keskin Cansu, Guner Serap, \(BL_{p,\nu}^{m}\) estimates for the Riesz transforms associated with Laplace-Bessel operator. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2018); 11(6):832--840
Chicago/Turabian Style
Ekincioglu, Ismail, Keskin, Cansu, Guner, Serap. "\(BL_{p,\nu}^{m}\) estimates for the Riesz transforms associated with Laplace-Bessel operator." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 11, no. 6 (2018): 832--840
- Laplace-Bessel operator
- Bessel generalized shift operator
- Riesz-Bessel transform
- fractional integral operator
- Beppo Levi spaces
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