Describing‎ ‎ion‎ ‎sound waves in plasma

Volume 8, Issue 1, pp 1--17
Publication Date: November 01, 2022 Submission Date: September 01, 2022 Revision Date: October 03, 2022 Accteptance Date: October 05, 2022


S‎. ‎ Rezaei Aderyani - School of Mathematics‎, Iran University of Science and Technology‎, Narmak, Tehran, Iran.


‎In this paper‎, ‎we use the‎ ‎Kudryashov methods‎ ‎to investigate the novel solutions to a nonlinear‎ ‎time fractional model‎. ‎The 3D and‎ ‎2D figures are depicted for displaying the physical behavior of‎ ‎travelling solutions‎ ‎for diverse values of uncertain parameters with constraint conditions‎. ‎Also‎, ‎via an alternative technique‎, ‎we investigate the existence and uniqueness‎ ‎of solutions of the governing model and we consider the UHR stability of the obtained solution‎.

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ISRP Style

S‎. ‎ Rezaei Aderyani, Describing‎ ‎ion‎ ‎sound waves in plasma, Mathematics in Natural Science, 8 (2022), no. 1, 1--17

AMA Style

Rezaei Aderyani S‎. ‎, Describing‎ ‎ion‎ ‎sound waves in plasma. Math. Nat. Sci. (2022); 8(1):1--17

Chicago/Turabian Style

Rezaei Aderyani, S‎. ‎. "Describing‎ ‎ion‎ ‎sound waves in plasma." Mathematics in Natural Science, 8, no. 1 (2022): 1--17


