Iterative methods for solving absolute value equations
Volume 26, Issue 4, pp 322--329
Publication Date: December 08, 2021
Submission Date: April 05, 2021
Revision Date: July 02, 2021
Accteptance Date: September 26, 2021
R. Ali
- School of Mathematics and Statistics, HNP-LAMA, Central South University, Changsha 410083, Hunan, P.R. China.
- Department of Mathematics, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan 23200, KPK, Pakistan.
A. Ali
- Department of Mathematics, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan 23200, KPK, Pakistan.
S. Iqbal
- Department of Mathematics, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan 23200, KPK, Pakistan.
We suggest and analyze some iterative methods called Jacobi, Gauss--Seidel, SOR (successive over-relaxation), and modified Picard methods for solving absolute value equations \( Ax-| x | = b \), where \( A \) is an \(M\)-matrix, \(b \in R^{n}\) is a real vector, and \(x \in R^{n}\) is unknown. Furthermore, we discuss the convergence of the suggested methods under suitable assumptions and represent their performance through our numerical results. Results are very encouraging and may stimulate further research in this direction.
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ISRP Style
R. Ali, A. Ali, S. Iqbal, Iterative methods for solving absolute value equations, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 26 (2022), no. 4, 322--329
AMA Style
Ali R., Ali A., Iqbal S., Iterative methods for solving absolute value equations. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2022); 26(4):322--329
Chicago/Turabian Style
Ali, R., Ali, A., Iqbal, S.. "Iterative methods for solving absolute value equations." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 26, no. 4 (2022): 322--329
- Absolute value equations
- iterative methods
- \( M \)-matrix
- convergence
- numerical experiments
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