New distance in cone \(S\)-metric spaces and common fixed point theorems
Volume 26, Issue 4, pp 368--378
Publication Date: January 06, 2022
Submission Date: August 14, 2021
Revision Date: November 05, 2021
Accteptance Date: November 29, 2021
Z. M. Fadail
- Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Thamar University, 87246, Thamar, Republic of Yemen.
A. Savic
- School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies , Belgrade, Serbia.
S. Radenovic
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering , University of Belgrade, Kraljice Marije 16, Belgrade, Serbia.
In this work, we define a new distance called \(c_s\)-distance in a cone \(S\)-metric space with some properties. Then, we prove some common fixed point and fixed point theorems for self-mappings with this distance. After that, we obtain some common fixed point and fixed point results in the setting
of cone \(S\)-metric spaces. We give some examples to support our work.
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ISRP Style
Z. M. Fadail, A. Savic, S. Radenovic, New distance in cone \(S\)-metric spaces and common fixed point theorems, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 26 (2022), no. 4, 368--378
AMA Style
Fadail Z. M., Savic A., Radenovic S., New distance in cone \(S\)-metric spaces and common fixed point theorems. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2022); 26(4):368--378
Chicago/Turabian Style
Fadail, Z. M., Savic, A., Radenovic, S.. "New distance in cone \(S\)-metric spaces and common fixed point theorems." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 26, no. 4 (2022): 368--378
- Cone \(S\)-metric spaces
- \(c_s\)-distance
- common fixed points
- fixed points
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