Maximal elements for Kakutani maps
Volume 27, Issue 1, pp 77--85
Publication Date: February 18, 2022
Submission Date: December 15, 2021
Revision Date: January 10, 2022
Accteptance Date: January 20, 2022
D. O'Regan
- School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.
We present some new general existence theorems for maximal type elements for upper semicontinuous maps with convex compact values.
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ISRP Style
D. O'Regan, Maximal elements for Kakutani maps, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 27 (2022), no. 1, 77--85
AMA Style
O'Regan D., Maximal elements for Kakutani maps. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2022); 27(1):77--85
Chicago/Turabian Style
O'Regan, D.. "Maximal elements for Kakutani maps." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 27, no. 1 (2022): 77--85
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