On some characterizations of the solutions of a hybrid nonlinear functional integral inclusion and applications

Volume 28, Issue 1, pp 21--36 http://dx.doi.org/10.22436/jmcs.028.01.03
Publication Date: April 16, 2022 Submission Date: November 28, 2021 Revision Date: February 09, 2022 Accteptance Date: March 10, 2022


Sh. M. Al-Issa - Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Lebanese International University, Saida, Lebanon. - Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Mathematics, The International University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. A. M. A. El-Sayed - Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt. Y. M. Y. Omar - Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Tripoli, Libya.


Here, we prove two existence theorems for the solutions a hybrid nonlinear functional integral inclusion and study some properties and applications of these two theorems. A Chandrasekhar quadratic integral inclusion and a nonlinear cubic Chandrasekhar functional integral equation are studied as an application. The continuous dependence of the solutions on some functions is proved. \begin{keyword}Hybrid integral equations \sep Urysohn-Stieltjes type integral inclusion \sep Chandrasekhar quadratic integral inclusion \sep cubic Chandrasekhar integral equation. \MSC{26A33 \sep 34A60 \sep 45G05

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ISRP Style

Sh. M. Al-Issa, A. M. A. El-Sayed, Y. M. Y. Omar, On some characterizations of the solutions of a hybrid nonlinear functional integral inclusion and applications, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 28 (2023), no. 1, 21--36

AMA Style

Al-Issa Sh. M., El-Sayed A. M. A., Omar Y. M. Y., On some characterizations of the solutions of a hybrid nonlinear functional integral inclusion and applications. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2023); 28(1):21--36

Chicago/Turabian Style

Al-Issa, Sh. M., El-Sayed, A. M. A., Omar, Y. M. Y.. "On some characterizations of the solutions of a hybrid nonlinear functional integral inclusion and applications." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 28, no. 1 (2023): 21--36


