Conformal quasi-bi-slant Riemannian maps
S. Kumar
- Shri Jai Narain Post Graduate College, Lucknow, India.
S. Kumar
- Dr. S. K. S. Women's College Motihari, B. R. Ambedkar Bihar University, India.
D. Kumar
- T. P. Varma College Narkatiyaganj, B. R. Ambedkar Bihar University, India.
Conformal maps or horizontally conformal maps are very useful for
characterization of harmonic morphisms. Nowadays, many medical problems (directly or indirectly) such as
brain imaging (brain surface mapping, [Y. L. Wang, L. M. Lui, X. F. Gu, K. M. Hayashi, T. F. Chan, A. W. Toga, P. M. Thompson, S.-T. Yau, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, \(\bf 26\) (2007), 853--865], [Y. L. Wang, X. F. Gu, K. M. Hayashi, T. F. Chan, P. M. Thompson , S.-T. Yau, Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'05), \(\bf 2005\) (2005), 1061--1066]) computer graphics
([X. F. Gu, Y. L. Wang, T. F. Chan, P. M. Thompson, S.-T. Yau, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, \(\bf 23\) (2004), 949--958]) etc. can be solved using conformal Riemannian maps. In this paper, as a generalization of conformal Riemannian
maps and conformal bi-slant submersions, we introduce conformal quasi-bi-slant Riemannian maps from almost Hermitian manifolds to Riemannian
manifolds. We study the geometry of leaves of distributions which are
involved in the definition of the conformal quasi bi-slant Riemannian maps.
We work out conditions for such maps to be integrable, totally geodesic and
pluriharmonic. We present two examples for the introduced notion.
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ISRP Style
S. Kumar, S. Kumar, D. Kumar, Conformal quasi-bi-slant Riemannian maps, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 28 (2023), no. 4, 335--349
AMA Style
Kumar S., Kumar S., Kumar D., Conformal quasi-bi-slant Riemannian maps. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2023); 28(4):335--349
Chicago/Turabian Style
Kumar, S., Kumar, S., Kumar, D.. "Conformal quasi-bi-slant Riemannian maps." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 28, no. 4 (2023): 335--349
- Almost Hermitian manifolds
- Riemannian maps
- conformal quasi bi-slant Riemannian maps
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