Numerical solution of fractional order SIR model of dengue fever disease via Laplace optimized decomposition method

Volume 32, Issue 1, pp 86--93
Publication Date: July 31, 2023 Submission Date: February 24, 2023 Revision Date: April 21, 2023 Accteptance Date: July 01, 2023


B. Maayah - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, The University of Jordan, 11942, Amman, Jordan. S. Bushnaq - Department of Basic Sciences, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, 11941, Amman, , Jordan. A. Moussaoui - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, The University of Jordan, 11942, Amman, Jordan.


In this research article, we handle the susceptible infected-recovered (SIR) model of the dengue fever epidemic under Caputo Fabrizio fractional derivative. The dengue fever disease is a complicated disease because of the connection it creates between humans and mosquitoes. This encouraged scientists to understand the various factors that influence the recurrence of dengue fever. A new technique called the Laplace Optimized Decomposition (LODM) is used to solve this model numerically and compared with the 4\(^{\rm th}\) order Runge-Kutta Method (RKM). The solution in the proposed method is in the form of a convergent series with easily computable components. We present the solution via graphs and hence give some remarks about the nature of the solutions.

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ISRP Style

B. Maayah, S. Bushnaq, A. Moussaoui, Numerical solution of fractional order SIR model of dengue fever disease via Laplace optimized decomposition method, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 32 (2024), no. 1, 86--93

AMA Style

Maayah B., Bushnaq S., Moussaoui A., Numerical solution of fractional order SIR model of dengue fever disease via Laplace optimized decomposition method. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2024); 32(1):86--93

Chicago/Turabian Style

Maayah, B., Bushnaq, S., Moussaoui, A.. "Numerical solution of fractional order SIR model of dengue fever disease via Laplace optimized decomposition method." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 32, no. 1 (2024): 86--93


