\(R_i\)-separation axioms via supra soft topological spaces

Volume 32, Issue 3, pp 263--274 http://dx.doi.org/10.22436/jmcs.032.03.07
Publication Date: October 10, 2023 Submission Date: July 04, 2023 Revision Date: July 20, 2023 Accteptance Date: August 05, 2023


S. Saleh - Department of Computer Science, Cihan University-Erbil, Erbil, Iraq. - Department of Mathematics, Hodeidah University, P.O. Box 1247, Hodeidah , Yemen. T. M. Al-Shami - Department of Mathematics, Sana'a University, P.O. Box 1247, Sana'a, Yemen. - Department of Engineering Mathematics \(\&\) Physics, Faculty of Engineering \(\&\) Technology, Future University, New Cairo, Egypt. L. R. Flaih - Department of Computer Science, Cihan University-Erbil, Erbil, Iraq. M. Arar - Department of Mathematics, College of Sciences and Humanities in Aflaj, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. R. Abu-Gdairi - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Zarqa University, P.O. Box 13110, Zarqa, Jordan.


The aim of this study is to introduce and investigate two new classes of separation axioms called supra soft \(R_0\) and supra soft \(R_1\). They are defined in the spaces of supra soft topologies by using the notions of supra soft open sets and supra soft closure operator. We discuss the basic properties and characterizations of them. We also study the relationships between these classes and some other supra soft separation axioms with many results and explanative examples. Moreover, the connections between the properties of these classes and those in some generated soft topologies are presented. Finally, we show that these classes are preserved under subspaces, which means they are supra soft topological properties.

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ISRP Style

S. Saleh, T. M. Al-Shami, L. R. Flaih, M. Arar, R. Abu-Gdairi, \(R_i\)-separation axioms via supra soft topological spaces, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 32 (2024), no. 3, 263--274

AMA Style

Saleh S., Al-Shami T. M., Flaih L. R., Arar M., Abu-Gdairi R., \(R_i\)-separation axioms via supra soft topological spaces. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2024); 32(3):263--274

Chicago/Turabian Style

Saleh, S., Al-Shami, T. M., Flaih, L. R., Arar, M., Abu-Gdairi, R.. "\(R_i\)-separation axioms via supra soft topological spaces." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 32, no. 3 (2024): 263--274


