Determining the Objective Value Range for a Class of Interval Convex Optimization Problems
Akbar Hashemi Borzabadi
- School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Damghan University, Damghan, Iran
Leila Heidarian
- School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Damghan University, Damghan, Iran
This paper generalizes a method of determining the objective value range of
quadratic programming problems to a general class of interval convex programming ones,
where all coefficients in objective function and constraints are interval numbers. The upper
bound and lower bound of the objective values of the interval quadratic program is
calculated by formulating a pair of two-level mathematical programs. Based on the duality
theorem and by applying the variable transformation technique, the pair of two-level
mathematical programs is transformed into conventional one-level convex programming
problem. Solving the pair of convex programs produces the interval of the objective values
of the problem. Numerical results confirms the procedure of the presented approach.
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ISRP Style
Akbar Hashemi Borzabadi, Leila Heidarian, Determining the Objective Value Range for a Class of Interval Convex Optimization Problems, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 3 (2011), no. 4, 396--402
AMA Style
Hashemi Borzabadi Akbar, Heidarian Leila, Determining the Objective Value Range for a Class of Interval Convex Optimization Problems. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2011); 3(4):396--402
Chicago/Turabian Style
Hashemi Borzabadi, Akbar, Heidarian, Leila. "Determining the Objective Value Range for a Class of Interval Convex Optimization Problems." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 3, no. 4 (2011): 396--402
- Interval convex programming
- Interval parameters
- Two-level program.
- 90C29
- 90C25
- 90C26
- 26B25
- 49J45
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