Coincidence Point Theorem Asymptotic Contraction Mapping in Fuzzy Metric Space


Binayak S. Choudhury - Department of Mathematics Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur P. O.: B. Garden, Shibpur Howrah - 711103, West Bengal, INDIA Krishnapada Das - Department of Mathematics Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur P. O.: B. Garden, Shibpur Howrah - 711103, West Bengal, INDIA Pradyut Das - Department of Mathematics Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur P. O.: B. Garden, Shibpur Howrah - 711103, West Bengal, INDIA


In this paper we introduce the concept of asymptotically g-contraction in fuzzy metric space. We prove some coincidence point results in fuzzy metric spaces using asymptotic contraction. We also support our results by an example.

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ISRP Style

Binayak S. Choudhury, Krishnapada Das, Pradyut Das, Coincidence Point Theorem Asymptotic Contraction Mapping in Fuzzy Metric Space, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1 (2010), no. 3, 167--173

AMA Style

Choudhury Binayak S., Das Krishnapada, Das Pradyut, Coincidence Point Theorem Asymptotic Contraction Mapping in Fuzzy Metric Space. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2010); 1(3):167--173

Chicago/Turabian Style

Choudhury, Binayak S., Das, Krishnapada, Das, Pradyut. "Coincidence Point Theorem Asymptotic Contraction Mapping in Fuzzy Metric Space." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1, no. 3 (2010): 167--173


