On 3-dimensional \((lcs)_n\) Manifolds


Sunil Kumar Srivastava - Department of Science & Humanities Columbia Institute of Engineering and Technology, Raipur (INDIA). Vibhawari Srivastava - Department of Mathematics & Statistics D. D. U Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur (INDIA).


The object of the present paper is to study 3–dimensional \((lcs)_n\) which are Ricci semi symmetric, Locally \(\phi\)-symmetric and ɳ parallel Ricci tensor and proved that 3 dimensional; Ricci semi-symmetric \((lcs)_n\) manifolds is a manifold of constant curvature and also shown that such a manifold is locally \(\phi\)-symmetric and with \(\eta\) parallel Ricci tensor is also locally \(\phi\)-symmetric.

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ISRP Style

Sunil Kumar Srivastava, Vibhawari Srivastava, On 3-dimensional \((lcs)_n\) Manifolds, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8 (2014), no. 2, 180-186

AMA Style

Srivastava Sunil Kumar, Srivastava Vibhawari, On 3-dimensional \((lcs)_n\) Manifolds. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 8(2):180-186

Chicago/Turabian Style

Srivastava, Sunil Kumar, Srivastava, Vibhawari. "On 3-dimensional \((lcs)_n\) Manifolds." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8, no. 2 (2014): 180-186


