Zweier Ideal Convergent Sequence Spaces Defined by Orlicz Functions


B. Hazarika - Department of Mathematics, Rajiv Gandhi University, Doimukh-791112, Arunachal Pradesh, INDIA. K. Tamang - Department of Mathematics, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, Nirjuli-791109, Arunachal Pradesh, INDIA. B. K. Singh - Department of Mathematics, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, Nirjuli-791109, Arunachal Pradesh, INDIA.


An ideal I is a family of subsets of positive integers N which is closed under taking finite unions and subsets of its elements. In this article we introduce ideal convergent sequence spaces using Zweier transform and Orlicz function. We study some topological and algebraic properties. Further we prove some inclusion relations related to these new spaces.

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ISRP Style

B. Hazarika, K. Tamang, B. K. Singh, Zweier Ideal Convergent Sequence Spaces Defined by Orlicz Functions, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8 (2014), no. 3, 307-318

AMA Style

Hazarika B., Tamang K., Singh B. K., Zweier Ideal Convergent Sequence Spaces Defined by Orlicz Functions. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 8(3):307-318

Chicago/Turabian Style

Hazarika, B., Tamang, K., Singh, B. K.. "Zweier Ideal Convergent Sequence Spaces Defined by Orlicz Functions." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 8, no. 3 (2014): 307-318


